The Emergency: Neutral Ireland 1939-1945

Macmillan, 2006

ISBN -978-1-4050-0010-9

A revisionst and critical assessment of the policies folowed by independent Irland during the Second World War (known as the emergency in Ireland). It challenges the view that neutrality was the only option at all times for the Irish government, argues that the government used the policy in a highly partisan way and undermined Ireland’s diplomatic relationship with the Unites States and the United Kingdom. The book also provides a discussion of the large numbers of Irish citizens who volunteered to fight or work in Britain during the war, a topic that has only recently received much attention.Since this publication I have edited a number of special issues of academic journals and have been working on two major book projects.

The first is a study of Fianna Fail (until recently the largest political party in Ireland), titled ‘De Valera’s Achievement: the making of a republican political culture 1932-1966’. The second is a comparative study of secession and political independence: ‘The Secessionist Century: Political Independence, democracy and nationalism since 1914’.

Brian Girvin

Brian Girvin, former professor of Comparative Politics University of Glasgow (2000-2011); currently Honorary Professor of Politics, University of Glasgow; Fellow of the Royal Historical Society; member of the editorial board Irish Political Studies.

Born in Ireland, I have lived in Scotland for over 20 years. My main interests are in nationalism, democracy and religion in a comparative perspective. I have published on these issues and also on conservatism and the right in the twentieth century.